Why Your Coastal Property Needs a Certified Hydrographic Survey

Posted on: 20 October 2023

Ever wondered about the lay of the land beneath those beautiful coastal waves on your property? That's where hydrographic surveying comes in. It's the science of measuring and describing features that affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore oil exploration/drilling and related activities. Intrigued? You should be!

The Importance of Hydrographic Surveying for Coastal Properties

So, why is it so essential to get a hydrographic survey for a coastal property? It's not really something you can do on your own, and it's important to know how your coastal property is performing. There are a few compelling reasons. Here are just a few of them. 

Safety First

Firstly, it's all about safety. Hydrographic surveys provide critical information about water depths, the seabed, and potential hazards. This data is crucial for safe navigation if you're planning on sailing or boating around your property.

Planning and Development

Secondly, if there's any construction planned on your property, like a pier or boathouse, a hydrographic survey is a must. It'll ensure the development doesn't negatively impact the marine environment or pose a risk to navigation.

Environmental Protection

Thirdly, these surveys can help protect the environment. They offer valuable data about the marine ecosystem, which can guide conservation efforts.

Choosing Certified Hydrographic Surveying Services

Now you're probably wondering how you can get these services. Well, it's all about finding a certified hydrographic surveyor. Here's how:

Research and Referrals

Start by researching local surveying services. Look for certified hydrographic surveying companies with lots of experience surveying coastal properties and other land masses with water surrounding them. 

Check Certifications

Next, make sure they're certified. Certification ensures they've got the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to conduct accurate surveys. Make sure all certifications are current for any companies you consider. 

Schedule a Consultation

Once you've found a potential surveyor, schedule a consultation. They'll be able to answer any questions and give you a quote for the work. You can consult with a few certified hydrographic surveying companies before selecting one you want to work with. 

A hydrographic survey isn't just a good idea for your coastal property – it's an absolute must. It ensures safety, aids in planning and development, and helps protect the environment. So why not get in touch with a certified hydrographic surveyor today and ensure your property is doing well? You'll be doing your bit for safe navigation and marine conservation, and that's something to be proud of. 
